Get these limited edition Dorothy 2018 Calendars & Anniversary T-shirts today!
In honour of Dorothy’s 120th anniversary, we created some special momentos to celebrate her life: Art cards, a 2018 Calendar and 120th Anniversary T-shirts!
Proceeds go toward the Dorothy restoration fund and the documentary “Between Wood and Water”. Order now to get them in time for Christmas. Prices below, purchase through Paypal.
NOTE: PayPal will NOT accept payment via credit card if you already have a Paypal account but don’t log in. If you experience any difficulties at all with the cart, email Tobi at dorothysails [at] gmail [dot] com for other payment options.
2018 Calendars
$20 + shipping
Featuring original photographs and images from the Maritime Museum of BC’s archives, including an image from the Langley family that has never been made public before! A treasure to keep for years to come.
Anniversary T-shirt
$25 + shipping
Men’s Crewneck in Maroon or Heather Grey

Geoff Clay modelling Anniversary T-shirt in Heather Grey.
Anniversary T-shirt |
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